Reuters: Devolution will deepen and solidify democracy in Kenya

On 07 March 2017, Kenya will hosted its 4th devolution conference. No doubt, remarkable progress has been made in the few years devolution has begun in Kenya. 
While economic forecasts for Kenya indicate a positive development trajectory, the forthcoming general elections must be seen as an opportunity to deepen and solidify the democratic process; the path that yields sustainable peace and equitable economic governance. 
As the polls on 8th August 2017 approach, the main issue in the minds of all Kenyans, is how to consolidate devolution, the best gift that Kenya has had since independence. 
But there are also concerns that election-related violence could easily derail that progressive course. 
Many have made Kenya a case study, sadly, for the way society can disintegrate itself along ethnic identities in determining power and wealth sharing, including the art of exploiting long-running intercommunity tensions.
Factors that fuel cycles of elections related violence in Kenya include the proliferation and use of illicit arms and the wanton diversion of youthful energies away from constructive engagement. 
The upcoming election will be the country’s first polls with county governments in place. The 2010 Constitution heralded a new era of open and inclusive governance best epitomised by devolution, a system that is helping to bridge the development gap between rich and poor regions and brings service delivery closer to the people and empower local communities.  
Here is a perspective:


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