Revolutionizing Better Health for “Every Women Every Child”

Mothers in northern Kenya with their children at a free medical clinic - photo credit Islamic Relief

Kenya is one of the countries where maternal health is still lagging far behind.  It is ranked among the 10 most dangerous countries for a woman to be pregnant and give birth.  21 women die every day due to preventable pregnancy-related complications, while 1 in 19 children never live to see their fifth birthday.
Kenya has a tremendous opportunity to do even more to help women and children have better healthcare, and so improve their lives. 
That’s why at the beginning of December 2015, partners from Government of Kenya, the UN, civil society, private sector and development institutions came together for a workshop organized by the World Economic Forum, Ministry of Health Kenya, World Bank and UNFPA. The workshop was to forge a new way ahead to discuss a roadmap for partnerships that can leapfrog the health care services for improving the health status of Kenya’s women and children.   
It is hoped that Kenya can pave the way to inspire the importance of collective action for women and children at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in 2016.  
My take:


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