The Guardian: To fully eradicate polio, India must go beyond its own borders

On Sunday, January 13, 2013, India marks two years with no reported case of polio. Given the size of population, widespread poverty, poor health and physical infrastructure and pockets of insecurity, this is remarkable.

But India still needs to maintain its polio free status for another year, before it can be declared polio free. And until polio is eradicated completely, the threat of polio re-infecting India and other countries hangs like the 'Sword of the Damocles'.

Polio is now present in three countries-Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The disease has to be eradicated from these countries in order for the world to rid itself of this crippling disease.

We are at the last mile and have to be resolute and unwavering in ensuring the utter and complete demise of polio.


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